Friday, January 17, 2014

Got Any Crack - Any X - Any Jugie Boogie?

So I thought Mimi was supposed to be the junkie in this show, but after our first few rehearsals I am more excited than ever, and I am jonesing hard for some more RENT!  *slaps veins in arm*  Not that I didn't already have a very strong affinity for the show going into it, but now I am obsessed with/addicted to RENT, and all I want to do is sing the hell out of it 24-7 (probably not healthy)!  In fact, my workout playlist is now solely comprised of RENT recordings, La Boheme, and popular music from the early 90's that I can dance my ass off to in the style of Angel at a Drag Ball!  I managed to turn more than a few heads and became the direct recipient of several over-supported "Shooshh's" while belting out some RENT with my headphones on at the gym this week.  Consider it "Free Advertising" New Line!!  Anyway, just thought I'd share my excitement...again.  I cannot wait to get back to rehearsal on Sunday and sing through some more music with this incredible group of performers!

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